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Valley’s great women – Honour roll marks special achievers

AN honour roll of Influential Women of the Derwent Valley has been launched celebrating the achievements of locals over many years.

A combined effort of New Norfolk Lions Club, the Historical Information Centre and members of the community, the inaugural list includes 82 names.

Launched last Wednesday for International Women’s Day, the list acknowledges all women of the Derwent Valley.

“From the women who moved their family to the hop grounds and small fruit farms to earn money for books and uniforms to send their children to school; the gardeners who grew the food for their families; and those women who nurtured good citizens; the women who served in the land army in Tasmania, who were employed at the Peg Factory, Willow Court, Cottage Hospital, sales assistants, teachers, admin staff,’’ a spokesperson said.

“These are all women who were born in or lived in the Derwent Valley and have influenced people and communities in our Valley, Australia or internationally.

“This list is the beginning of recognising the achievements of women in the Derwent Valley. It was not possible to list all of each woman’s achievements.

There are many facets to every woman.

“The list is open-ended and if you feel that someone has been omitted, and you want them to be included, or you want your name to be deleted, please contact a DV IWD group member.

“The list will be reviewed and expanded prior to International Women’s Day each year.’’

The names are as follows: *in alphabetical order*

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